Peer-Reviewed Publications


Emilia Johnson, Reuben Sunil Kumar Sharma, Pablo Ruiz Cuenca, Isabel Byrne, Milena Salgado-Lynn, Zarith Suraya Shahar, Lee Col Lin, Norhadila Zulkifli, Nor Dilaila Mohd Saidi, Chris Drakeley, Jason Matthiopoulos, Luca Nelli, Kimberly Fornace, 2024. Landscape drives zoonotic malaria prevalence in non-human primates. eLife 2023;12:RP88616. DOI:


Kurz D., Connor T., Brodie J.F., Baking E.l., Szeto S.H., Hearn A.J., Gardner P.C., Wearn O.R., Deith M.C.M., Deere N.J., Ampeng A., Bernard H., Goon J., Granados A., Helmy O., Lim H.Y., Luskin M.S., Macdonald D.W., Ross J., Simpson B.K., Struebig M.J., Mohd-Azlan J., Potts M.D., Goossens B., Bashares J.S., 2023. Socio-ecological factors shape the distribution of a cultural keystone species in Malaysian Borneo. npj Biodiversity doi: 10.1038/s44185-022-00008-w.

Johnson E., Campos-Cerqueira M., Jumail A., Yusni A.S.A, Salgado-Lynn M., Fornace K., 2023. Applications and advances in acoustic monitoring for infectious disease epidemiology. Trends in Parasitology doi: 10.1016/

Davidar P., Sharma R., De Silva S., Campos-Arceiz A., Goossens B., Puyravaud J-P., Habib B., De R., Wong E.P., Neupane D., Othman N.B., Goyal S.P., 2023. Connect elephant habitats in Asia. Science 379, 6634: 765.

Suzuki-Hashido N., Tsuchida S., Azumano A., Goossens B., Saldivar D.A.R., Stark D.J., Tuuga A., Ushida K., Matsuda I., 2023. Isolation of bacteria from freeze-dried samples and the functional characterization of species-specific lactic acid bacteria with a comparison of wild and captive proboscis monkeys. Microorganisms 11: 1458.

Guerrero-Sanchez S., Frias L., Saimin S., Orozco-Terwengel P., Goossens B., 2023. The fast-food effect: costs of being a generalist in a human-dominated landscape. Conservation Physiology 11: 1. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coad055.

Sitam F.T., Salgado Lynn M., Denel A., Panjang E., Mcewing R., Lightson A., Ogden R., Maruji N.A., Yahya N.K., Ngau C., Kulaimi N.A.M., Ithnin H., Rovie-Ryan J., Bakar M.S.A., Ewart K.M., 2023. Phylogeography of the Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica: implications for taxonomy, conservation management and wildlife forensics. Ecology and Evolution 13(8): e10373.

Hamed N., Rana O., Goossens B., Orozco-Terwengel P., Perera C., 2023. FOO: An upper-level ontology for the Forest Observatory. In: Pesquita C et al. The Semantic Web: ESWC 2023 Satellite events. ESWC 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13998. Springer, Cham. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43458-7_29.


Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Majewski, K., Orozco-terWengel, P., Saimin, S., Goossens, B. 2022. The effect of oil palm-dominated landscapes on the home range and distribution of a generalist species, the Asian water monitor. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (1): e8531.

Scheumann, M., Röper, K.M., Nathan, S.K.S.S., Goossens, B. 2022. Third-party vocal intervention in the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). International Journal of Primatology: 1-14.

Choo, S. W., Chong, J. L., Gaubert, P., Hughes, A. C., O’Brien, S., Chaber, A. L., et al. 2022. A collective statement in support of saving pangolins. The Science of the Total Environment, 824: 153666.

Santika, T., Sherman, J., Voigt, M., Ancrenaz, M., Wich, S. A., Wilson, K. A., … Meijaard, E. 2022. Effectiveness of 20 years of conservation investments in protecting orangutans. Current Biology, 32(8), 1754–1763.

Brown, R., Salgado-Lynn, M., Jumail, A., Jalius, C., Chua, T.-H., Vythilingam, I., & Ferguson, H. M. 2022. Exposure of Primate Reservoir Hosts to Mosquito Vectors in Malaysian Borneo. EcoHealth, 19, 233-245.

Kooros, S. J., Goossens, B., Sterck, E. H. M., Kenderdine, R., Malim, P. T., Saldivar, D. A. R., Stark, D. J. 2022. External environmental conditions impact nocturnal activity levels in proboscis monkeys ( Nasalis larvatus ) living in Sabah, Malaysia. American Journal of Primatology,  e23423.

Abram, N. K., Skara, B., Othman, N., Ancrenaz, M., Mengersen, K., & Goossens, B. 2022. Understanding the spatial distribution and hot spots of collared Bornean elephants in a multi-use landscape. Scientific Reports, 12, 12830.


Evans, M.N., Müller, C.T., Kille, P., Asner, G.P., Guerrero-Sánchez, S., Abu Bakar, M.S., Goossens, B. 2021. Space-use patterns of Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga) persisting within a landscape fragmented by oil palm plantations. Landscape Ecol, 36(3), 915-930.

González-Abarzúa, M.C., Kunde, M.N., Fitri, M.S., Goossens, B. 2021. First capture of a flat-headed cat in an oil palm plantation in Sabah, Borneo. CATnews, 72: 37-38.

Wai, L., Burger, R., Goossens, B. 2021. The first documented record of the hairy-nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana) in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysia. IUCN Otter Spec Group Bull, 38(2): 62-69.

De la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Lechner, A.M., Zulaikha, N., Zawasi, A., Abdul-Patah, P., Saaban, S., Goossens, B., Campos-Arceiz, A., 2020. There will be conflict – agricultural landscapes are prime, rather than marginal, habitats for Asian elephants. Animal Conservation.

Kunde, M. & Goossens, B. 2021. Sun bear predation on an oriental pied hornbill nest. Ursus, 32: e3.

Frias, L., Hasegawa, H., Chua, T.H., Sipangkui, S., Stark, D.J., Salgado-Lynn, M., Goossens, B., Keuk, K., Okamoto, M., MacIntosh, A.J.J. 2021. Parasite community structure in sympatric Bornean primates. Journal for Parasitology,

Ewart, K.M., Lightson, A.L., Sitam, F.T., Rovie-Ryan, J., Nguyen, S.G., Morgan, K.I., Luczon, A., Anadon, E.M.S., De Bruyn, M., Bourgeois, S., Ouitavon, K., Kotze, A., Abu Bakar, M.S., Salgado-Lynn, M., McEwing, R. 2021. DNA analyses of large pangolin scale seizures: Species identification validation and case studies. Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 1: 100014.

Gardner, P.C., Goossens, B., Abu Bakar, M.S., Bruford, M.W. 2021. Hunting pressure is a key contributor to the impending extinction of Bornean wild cattle. Endang Species Res, 45: 225-235.

Grace, M.K., Akçakaya, H.R., Bennett, E.L., et al. 2021. Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology, 35(6): 1833-1849.

Kurz, D.J., Saikim, H., Justine, V.T., Bloem, J., Libassi, M., Luskin, M.S., Withey, L.S., Goossens, B., Brashares, J.S., Potts, M.D. 2021. Transformation and endurance of Indigenous hunting: Kadazandusun-Murut bearded pig hunting practices amidst oil palm expansion and urbanization in Sabah, Malaysia. People and Nature, 3(5): 1078-1092.

Saylors, K., Wolking, D.J., Hagan, E., et al. 2021. Socializing One Health: an innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats. One Health Oulook, 3 (1): 1-16.

Grange, Z.L., Goldstein, T., Johnson, C.K., Anthony, S., Gilardi, K., Daszak, P., Olival, K.J., O’Rourke, T., Murray, S., Olson, S.H., Togami, E., Vidal, G., Expert Panel, PREDICT Consortium, Mazet, A.K., 2021. Ranking the risk of animal-to-human spillover for newly discovered viruses. PNAS, 119 (39): e2115409118.

Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Goossens, B., Saimin, S., Orozco-terWengel, P., 2021. The critical role of natural forest as a refugium for generalist species in oil palm-dominated landscapes. PLoS ONE, 16 (10): e0257814.

De la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Lechner, A.M., Zulaikha, N., Zawawi, A., Abdul Patha, P., Saaban, S., Goossens, B., Campos-Arceiz, A. 2021. Towards tolerable human-elephant coexistence in tropical Asia. Animal Conservation, 24: 740-742.

Jumail, A., & Salgado-Lynn, M. 2021. The Danau Girang Field Centre: Field Station Profile. ECOTROPICA, 23(1/2): 202103-202103.

Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Burger, R., Bin Rosli, M.S.F., Bin Moh Natsyr, N., Bin Rahman, R., Saimin, S., Orozco-terWengel, P., Goossens, B., 2021. Homing: a case-study on the spatial memory of the Asian water monitor lizard Varanus salvator in the Kinabatangan floodplain. Herpetological Bulletin, 158 (4): 37-39.

Bernard, H., Liew, N.Y.S., Wilson, A., Tangah, J., Tuuga, A., Matsuda, I. 2021. Inventorying terrestrial mammal species in mixed-mangrove forest of the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, with special reference to a new locality record of otter civet, Cynogale bennettii. Mammal Research, 67(1): 31-38.


Evans, L. J., Goossens, B., Davies, A. B., Reynolds, G., Asner, G. P. 2020. Natural and anthropogenic drivers of Bornean elephant movement strategies. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22, e00906.

Hasegawa, H., Frias, L., Peter, S., Hasan, N. H., Stark, D. J., Salgado Lynn, M., Sipangkui, S., Goossens, B., Matsuura, K., Okamoto, M., Macintosh, A. J. J. 2020. First description of male worms of Enterobius (Colobenterobius) serratus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae), the pinworm parasite of proboscis monkeys. Zootaxa, 4722(3), 287–294.

Brunke, J., Russo, I.-R. M., Orozco-terWengel, P., Zimmermann, E., Bruford, M. W., Goossens, B., Radespiel, U. 2020. Dispersal and genetic structure in a tropical small mammal, the Bornean tree shrew (Tupaia longipes), in a fragmented landscape along the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. BMC Genetics, 21(1), 43.

Jumail, A., Thor-Seng, L., Salgado-Lynn, M., Fornace, K.M., Stark, D.J. 2020. A comparative evaluation of thermal camera and visual counting methods for primate census in a riparian forest at the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS), Malaysian Borneo. Primates: 1-9.

Wai, L., Evans, M. N., Bernard, H., Goossens, B. (2020). Holt-based activity patterns of smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) in the lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysia. IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 37(1), 20-28.

Lord, E., Dussex, N., Kierczak, M., Díez-del-Molino, D., Ryder, O. A., Stanton, D. W.G., Gilbert, M. T. P., Sánchez-Barreiro, F., Zhang, G., Sinding, M. H. S., Lorenzen, E. D., Willerslev, E., Protopopov, A., Shidlovskiy, F., Fedorov, S., Bocherens, H., Nathan, S. K.S.S., Goossens, B., van der Plicht, J., Chan, Y. L., Prost, S., Potapova, O., Kirillova, I., Lister, A. M., Heintzman, P. D., Kapp, J. D., Shapiro, B., Vartanyan, S., Götherström, A., Dalén, L. 2020. Stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros. Curr Biol, 30 (19), 3871-3879.e7

Matsuda, I., Stark, D. J., Ramirez Saldivar, D. A., Tuuga, A., Nathan, S. K.S.S., Goossens, B., van Schaik, C. P., Koda, H. 2020. Large male proboscis monkeys have larger noses but smaller canines. Comm Biol, 3(1): 522.

Lubbers, M., Hovious, S.A., Chai, R. R., Byng, J. W., Schilthuizen, M. 2020. An observation on the ecology and behavour of Metallyticus splendidus on a dead dipterocarp tree in Sabah, Malaysia (Mantodea, Mettaliticidae). J Trop Biol Cons, 17 : 165 -170.

Evans, M.N., Guerrero-Sánchez, S., Kille, P., Müller, C.T., Abu Bakar, M.S., Goossens, B. 2020. Physiological implications of life at the forest interface of oil palm agriculture: blood profiles of wild Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga). Cons Physiol, 8 (1): coaa127.


Frias, L., Hasegawa, H., Stark, D. J., Salgado Lynn, M., Nathan, S. K., Chua, T. H., Goossens, B., Okamoto, M., MacIntosh, A. J. J. 2019. A pinworm’s tale: The evolutionary history of Lemuricola (Protenterobius) nycticebi. J. Parasitol. Parasites Wildl, 8, 25–32.

Hearn, A. J., Cushman, S. A., Goossens, B., Ross, J., Macdonald, E. A., Hunter, L. T. B., Macdonald, D. W. 2019. Predicting connectivity, population size and genetic diversity of Sunda clouded leopards across Sabah, Borneo. Landscape Ecol, 34(2), 275–290.

Frias, L., Stark, D. J., Salgado Lynn, M., Nathan, S., Goossens, B., Okamoto, M., & MacIntosh, A. J. J. 2019. Molecular characterization of nodule worm in a community of Bornean primates. Ecol Evol, (February), 1–9.

Gardner, P. C., Ridge, S., Ee Wern, J. G., Goossens, B. 2019. The influence of logging upon the foraging behaviour and diet of the endangered Bornean banteng. Mammalia, 83(6), 519–529.

Brunke, J., Radespiel, U., Russo, I. R., Bruford, M. W., Goossens, B. 2019. Messing about on the river: the role of geographic barriers in shaping the genetic structure of Bornean small mammals in a fragmented landscape. Cons Gen, 20(4), 691–704.

Stark, D. J., Fornace, K. M., Brock, P. M., Abidin, T. R., Gilhooly, L., Jalius, C., Goossens, B., Drakeley, C. J., Salgado-Lynn, M. 2019. Long-Tailed Macaque Response to Deforestation in a Plasmodium knowlesi– Endemic Area. EcoHealth, 16(4), 638-646.

Robins, J. G., Husson, S., Fahroni, A., Singleton, I., Nowak, M. G., Fluch, G., Llano Sanchez, K., Widya, A., Pratje, P. Ancrenaz, M., Hicks, N., Goossens, B., Petit, T., Saburi, R., Walzer, C. 2019. Implanted Radio Telemetry in Orangutan Reintroduction and Post-release Monitoring and its Application in Other Ape Species. Front Vet Sci, 6: 111.

Kaszta, Ż., Cushman, S. A., Hearn, A. J., Burnham, D., Macdonald, E. A., Goossens, B., Nathan, K.S.S.S., Macdonald, D. W. 2019. Integrating Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) conservation into development and restoration planning in Sabah (Borneo). Biol Conserv, 235, 63–76.

Othman, N., Goossens, B., Cheah, C. P. I., Nathan, S., Bumpus, R., Ancrenaz, M. 2019. Shift of paradigm needed towards improving human–elephant coexistence in monoculture landscapes in Sabah. International Zoo Yearbook, 53(1), 161–173.

Lim, H. Y., Gardner, P. C., Abram, N. K., Yusah, K. M., Goossens, B. 2019. Identifying habitat and understanding movement resistance for the Endangered Bornean banteng Bos javanicus lowi in Sabah, Malaysia. Oryx, 1–9.

Gardner, P. C., Vaughan, I. P., Liew, L. P., Goossens, B. 2019. Using natural marks in a spatially explicit capture-recapture framework to estimate preliminary population density of cryptic endangered wild cattle in Borneo. Global Ecology and Conservation, 20, e00748.

Thiry, V., Bhasin, O., Stark, D. J., Beudels-Jamar, R. C., Vercauteren Drubbel, R., Nathan, S. K. S. S., Goossens, B., Vercauteren, M. 2019. Seed dispersal by proboscis monkeys: the case of Nauclea spp. Primates, 60(5), 449–457.


Asner, G. P.; Brodrick, P. G.; Philipson, C.; Vaughn, N. R.; Martin, R. E.; Knapp, D. E.; Heckler, J.; Evans, L. J.; Jucker, T.; Goossens, B.; Stark, D. J.; Reynolds, G.; Ong, R.; Renneboog, N.; Kugan, F.; Coomes, D. A. 2018. Mapped aboveground carbon stocks to advance forest conservation and recovery in Malaysian Borneo. Biol. Conserv., 217, 289–310.

Evans, L. J.; Asner, G. P.; Goossens, B. 2018. Protected area management priorities crucial for the future of Bornean elephants. Biol. Conserv., 221, 365–373.

Frias, L.; Stark, D. J.; Salgado Lynn, M.; Nathan, S. K. S. S.; Goossens, B.; Okamoto, M.; MacIntosh, A. J. J. 2018. Lurking in the dark: Cryptic Strongyloides in a Bornean slow loris. Int. J. Parasitol. Parasites Wildl., 7, 141–146.

Gardner, P. C.; Goossens, B.; Goon Ee Wern, J.; Kretzschmar, P.; Bohm, T.; Vaughan, I. P. 2018. Spatial and temporal behavioural responses of wild cattle to tropical forest degradation. PLoS One, 13, e0195444.

Guharajan, R.; Arnold, T.W.; Bolongon, G.; Dibden, H.G.; Abram, N.K.; Woan, T.S.; Magguna, M.A.; Goossens, B.; Te, W.S.; Nathan, S.K.S.S.; Garshelis, D.L. 2018. Survival strategies of a frugivore, the sun bear, in a forest-oil palm landscape. Biodivers. Conserv., 27(14), 3657-3677.

Hearn, A.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Goossens, B.; Macdonald, E.; Ross, J.; Hunter, L.T.; Abram, N.K.; Macdonald, D.W. 2018. Evaluating scenarios of landscape change for Sunda clouded leopard connectivity in a human dominated landscape. Biol. Conserv., 222, 232-240.

Hearn, A.J.; Cushman, S.A.; Ross, J.; Goossens, B.; Hunter, L.T.; Macdonald, D.W. 2018. Spatio-temporal ecology of sympatric felids on Borneo. Evidence for resource partitioning? PloS One, 13, e0200828.

Horton, A.J.; Lazarus, E.D.; Hales, T.C.; Constantine, J.A.; Bruford, M.W.; Goossens, B. 2018. Can riparian forest buffers increase yields from oil palm plantations? Earth’s Future, 6(8), 1082-1096.

Journeaux, K. L.; Gardner, P. C.; Lim, H. Y.; Ee Wern, J. G.; Goossens, B. 2018. Herd demography, sexual segregation and the effects of forest management on Bornean banteng Bos javanicus lowi in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Endanger. Species Res., 35, 141–157.

Klaus, A.; Strube, C.; Röper, K. M.; Radespiel, U.; Schaarschmidt, F.; Nathan, S.; Goossens, B.; Zimmermann, E. 2018. Fecal parasite risk in the endangered proboscis monkey is higher in an anthropogenically managed forest environment compared to a riparian rain forest in Sabah, Borneo. PLoS One, 13, e0195584.

Koda, H.; Murai, T.; Tuuga, A.; Goossens, B.; Nathan, S. K. S. S.; Stark, D. J.; Ramirez, D. A. R.; Sh, J. C. M.; Osman, I.; Sipangkui, R.; Seino, S.; Matsuda, I. 2018. Nasalization by Nasalis larvatus: Larger noses audiovisually advertise conspecifics in proboscis monkeys. Sci. Adv., 4, eaaq0250.

Love, K.; Kurz, D. J.; Vaughan, I. P.; Ke, A.; Evans, L. J.; Goossens, B. 2018. Bearded pig (Sus barbatus) utilisation of a fragmented forest–oil palm landscape in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Wildl. Res., 44, 603–612.

Miller, J.; Freund, C.; Rambonnet, L.; Koets, L.; Barth, N.; van der Linden, C.; Geml, J.; Schilthuizen, M.; Burger, R.; Goossens, B. 2018. Dispatch from the field II: the mystery of the red and blue Opadometa male (Araneae, Tetragnathidae, Opadometa sarawakensis). Biodivers. Data J., 6, e24777.

Salgado Lynn, M.; William, T.; Tanganuchitcharnchai, A.; Jintaworn, S.; Thaipadungpanit, J.; Lee, M. H.; Jalius, C.; Daszak, P.; Goossens, B.; Hughes, T.; Blacksell, S. D. 2018. Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis in a Wildlife Researcher in Sabah, Malaysia: A Case Study. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis., 3, 29-36.

Scriven, S. A.; Gillespie, G. R.; Laimun, S.; Goossens, B. 2018. Edge effects of oil palm plantations on tropical anuran communities in Borneo. Biol. Conserv., 220, 37–49.

Sharma, R.; Goossens, B.; Heller, R.; Rasteiro, R.; Othman, N.; Bruford, M. W.; Chikhi, L. 2018. Genetic analyses favour an ancient and natural origin of elephants on Borneo. Sci. Rep., 8, 880.

Stark, D. J.; Vaughan, I. P.; Evans, L. J.; Kler, H.; Goossens, B. 2018. Combining drones and satellite tracking as an effective tool for informing policy change in riparian habitats: a proboscis monkey case study. Remote Sens. Ecol. Conserv., 4, 44–52.

Svensson, M.S;, Nekaris, K.A.I.; Bearder, S.K.; Bettridge, C.M.; Butynski, T.M.; Cheyne, S.M.; Das, N.; de Jong, Y.A.; Luhrs, A.M.; Luncz, L.V.; Maddock, S.T.; Perkin, A.; Pimley, E.; Poindexter, S. A.; Reinhardt, K. D.; Spaan, D.; Stark, D. J.; Starr, C. R.; Nijman, V. 2018. Sleep patterns, daytime predation, and the evolution of diurnal sleep site selection in lorisiforms. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 166, 563-577.

Voigt, M.; Wich, S. A.; Ancrenaz, M.; Meijaard, E.; Abram, N.; Banes, G. L.; Campbell-Smith, G.; d’Arcy, L. J.; Delgado, R. A.; Erman, A.; Gaveau, D.; Goossens, B.; Heinicke, S.; Houghton, M.; Husson, S. J.; Leiman, A.; Sanchez, K. L.; Makinuddin, N.; Marshall, A. J.; Meididit, A.; Miettinen, J.; Mundry, R.; Musnanda; Nardiyono; Nurcahyo, A.; Odom, K.; Panda, A.; Prasetyo, D.; Priadjati, A.; Purnomo; Rafiastanto, A.; Russon, A. E.; Santika, T.; Sihite, J.; Spehar, S.; Struebig, M.; Sulbaran-Romero, E.; Tjiu, A.; Wells, J.; Wilson, K. A.; Kühl, H. S. 2018. Global Demand for Natural Resources Eliminated More Than 100,000 Bornean Orangutans. Curr. Biol., 28, 761–769.

Hayakawa, T., Nathan, S. K. S. S., Stark, D. J., Saldivar, D. A. R., Sipangkui, R., Goossens, B., Tuuga, A., Clauss, M., Sawada, A., Fukuda, S., Imai, H., Matsuda, I. 2018. First report of foregut microbial community in proboscis monkeys: are diverse forests a reservoir for diverse microbiomes? Environ Microbiol Rep, 10(6), 655–662.

Thiry, V., Clauss, M., Stark, D. J., Beudels-Jamar, R. C., Vercauteren Drubbel, R., Nathan, S. K. S. S., Goossens, B., Vercauteren, M. 2018. Faecal Particle Size in Free-Ranging Proboscis Monkeys, Nasalis larvatus: Variation between Seasons. Folia Primat, 89(5), 327–334.

Matsuda, I., Abram, N. K., Stark, D. J., Sha, J. C. M., Ancrenaz, M., Goossens, B., Lackman, I., Tuuga, A., Kubo, T. 2018. Population dynamics of the proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Oryx (May).


Anthony, S. J.; Johnson, C. K.; Greig, D. J.; Kramer, S.; Che, X.; Wells, H.; Hicks, A. L.; Joly, D. O.; Wolfe, N. D.; Daszak, P.; Karesh, W.; Lipkin, W. I.; Morse, S. S.; PREDICT Consortium; Mazet, J. A. K.; Goldstein, T. 2017. Global patterns in coronavirus diversity. Virus Evol., 3, vex012.

Constantini, D.; Sebastiano, M.; Goossens, B.; Stark, D. J. 2017. Jumping in the Night: An Investigation of the Leaping Activity of the Western Tarsier (Cephalopachus bancanus borneanus) Using Accelerometers. Folia Primatol., 88, 46–56.

Evans, L. J.; Davies, A. B.; Goossens, B.; Asner, G. P. 2017. Riparian vegetation structure and the hunting behavior of adult estuarine crocodiles. PLoS One, 12, e0184804.

Evans, L. J.; Goossens, B.; Asner, G. P. 2017. Underproductive agriculture aids connectivity in tropical forests. For. Ecol. Manage., 401, 159–165.

Guharajan, R.; Abram, N. K.; Magguna, M. A.; Goossens, B.; Wong, S. Te; Nathan, S. K. S. S.; Garshelis, D. L. 2017. Does the Vulnerable sun bear Helarctos malayanus damage crops and threaten people in oil palm plantations? Oryx, 1–9.

Hearn, A. J.; Ross, J.; Bernard, H.; Bakar, S. A.; Goossens, B.; Hunter, L. T. B.; Macdonald, D. W. 2017. Responses of Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi population density to anthropogenic disturbance: refining estimates of its conservation status in Sabah. Oryx, 1–11.

Horton, A. J.; Constantine, J. A.; Hales, T. C.; Bruford, M.; Goossens, B. 2017. Modification of river meandering caused by tropical deforestation. Geology, 45, 511-14.

Klaus, A.; Zimmermann, E.; Röper, K. M.; Radespiel, U.; Nathan, S.; Goossens, B.; Strube, C. 2017. Co-infection patterns of intestinal parasites in arboreal primates (proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus) in Borneo. Int. J. Parasitol. Parasites Wildl., 6, 320–329.

Nájera, F.; Hearn, A. J.; Ross, J.; Ramírez Saldivar, D. A.; Evans, M. N.; Guerrero-Sánchez, S.; Nathan, S. K. S. S.; De Gaspar Simón, I.; Macdonald, D. W.; Goossens, B.; Revuelta Rueda, L. 2017. Chemical immobilization of free-ranging and captive Sunda clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) with two anesthetic protocols: medetomidine-ketamine and tiletamine-zolazepam. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 79, 1892–1898.

Nater, A.; Mattle-Greminger, M. P.; Nurcahyo, A.; Nowak, M. G.; Meijaard, E.; Krützen Correspondence, M.; Ch, A. N.; De Manuel, M.; Desai, T.; Groves, C.; Pybus, M.; Sonay, T. B. 2017. Morphometric, Behavioral, and Genomic Evidence for a New Orangutan Species Current Biology Report Morphometric, Behavioral, and Genomic Evidence for a New Orangutan Species. Curr. Biol., 27, 3487–3498.e10.

Santika, T.; Ancrenaz, M.; Wilson, K. A.; Spehar, S.; Abram, N. K.; Banes, G. L.; Campbell-Smith, G.; Curran, L.; D’Arcy, L.; Delgado, R. A.; Erman, A.; Goossens, B.; Hartanto, H.; Houghton, M.; Husson, S. J.; Kühl, H. S.; Lackman, I.; Leiman, A.; Llano Sanchez, K.; Makinuddin, N.; Marshall, A. J.; Meididit, A.; Mengersen, K.; Musnanda; Nardiyono; Nurcahyo, A.; Odom, K.; Panda, A.; Prasetyo, D.; Purnomo; Rafiastanto, A.; Raharjo, S.; Ratnasari, D.; Russon, A. E.; Santana, A. H.; Santoso, E.; Sapari, I.; Sihite, J.; Suyoko, A.; Tjiu, A.; Utami-Atmoko, S. S.; van Schaik, C. P.; Voigt, M.; Wells, J.; Wich, S. A.; Willems, E. P.; Meijaard, E. 2017. First integrative trend analysis for a great ape species in Borneo. Sci. Rep., 7, 4839.

Stark, D. J.; Vaughan, I. P.; Ramirez Saldivar, D. A.; Nathan, S. K. S. S.; Goossens, B. 2017. Evaluating methods for estimating home ranges using GPS collars: a comparison using proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus). PLoS One, 12, e0174891.

Vickers, S. H.; Evans, M. N.; Abu Bakar, M. S.; Goossens, B. 2017. The first recorded activity pattern for the sunda stink-badger Mydaus javanensis (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mephitidae) using camera traps. Raffles Bull. Zool. 2017, 65, 316–324.


Abram, N. K.; MacMillan, D. C.; Xofis, P.; Ancrenaz, M.; Tzanopoulos, J.; Ong, R.; Goossens, B.; Koh, L. P.; Del Valle, C.; Peter, L.; Morel, A. C.; Lackman, I.; Chung, R.; Kler, H.; Ambu, L.; Baya, W.; Knight, A. T. 2016. Identifying where REDD+ financially out-competes oil palm in floodplain landscapes using a fine-scale approach. PLoS One, 11, e0156481.

Evans, L.; Jones, T.; Pang, K.; Saimin, S.; Goossens, B. 2016. Spatial Ecology of Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) Nesting in a Fragmented Landscape. Sensors, 16, 1527.

Evans, M. N.; Guerrero-Sanchez, S.; Bakar, M. S. A.; Kille, P.; Goossens, B. 2016. First known satellite collaring of a viverrid species: preliminary performance and implications of GPS tracking Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga). Ecol. Res., 31, 475–481.

Evans, M. N.; Vickers, S. H.; Abu-bakar, M. S.; Goossens, B. 2016. Small Carnivores of the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Borneo, including a new locality for the Otter Civet Cynogale bennettii. Small Carniv. Conserv., 54, 26–38.

Goossens, B.; Sharma, R.; Othman, N.; Kun-Rodrigues, C.; Sakong, R.; Ancrenaz, M.; Ambu, L. N.; Jue, N. K.; O’Neill, R. J.; Bruford, M. W.; Chikhi, L. 2016. Habitat fragmentation and genetic diversity in natural populations of the Bornean elephant: Implications for conservation. Biol. Conserv., 196, 80–92.

Prosser, N. S.; Gardner, P. C.; Smith, J. A.; Goon Ee Wern, J.; Ambu, L. N.; Goossens, B. 2016. Body condition scoring of Bornean banteng in logged forests. BMC Zool., 1, 8.

Thiry, V.; Stark, D. J.; Goossens, B.; Slachmuylder, J. L.; Drubbel, R. V.; Vercauteren, M. 2016. Use and Selection of Sleeping Sites by Proboscis Monkeys, Nasalis larvatus, along the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. Folia Primatol., 87, 180–196.

van Kolfschoten, L.; Selveno, S.; Stark, D. J.; Schilthuizen, M. 2016. Nest density of the Black-and-Red Broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhyncos) along the Kinabatangan River, in Relation to Riverine Habitat Reduction. J. Trop. Biol. Conserv., 13, 157–168.


Abram, N. K.; Xofis, P.; Tzanopoulos, J.; MacMillan, D. C.; Ancrenaz, M.; Chung, R.; Peter, L.; Ong, R.; Lackman, I.; Goossens, B.; Ambu, L.; Knight, A. T. 2014. Synergies for improving oil palm production and forest conservation in floodplain landscapes. PLoS One, 9, e95388.

Ancrenaz, M.; Sollmann, R.; Meijaard, E.; Hearn, A.; Ross, J.; Samejima, H.; Loken, B.; Cheyne, S.; Stark, D.; Gardner, P.; Goossens, B.; Mohamed, A.; Bohm, T.; Matsuda, I.; Nakabayasi, M.; Lee, S.; Bernard, H.; Brodie, J.; Wich, S.; Fredriksson, G.; Hanya, G.; Harrison, M.; Kanamori, T.; Kretzschmar, P.; Macdonald, D.; Riger, P.; Spehar, S.; Ambu, L.; Wilting, A. 2014. Coming down from the trees: Is terrestrial activity in Bornean orangutans natural or disturbance driven? Sci. Rep., 4, 4024.

English, M.; Ancrenaz, M.; Gillespie, G.; Goossens, B.; Nathan, S.; Linklater, W. 2014. Foraging site recursion by forest Elephants Elephas maximus borneensis. Curr. Zool., 60, 551–559.

English, M.; Gillespie, G.; Ancrenaz, M.; Ismail, S.; Goossens, B.; Nathan, S.; Linklater, W. 2014. Plant selection and avoidance by the Bornean elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) in tropical forest: does plant recovery rate after herbivory influence food choices? J. Trop. Ecol., 30, 371–379.

Gardner, P. C.; Ambu, L.; Bernard, H.; Goossens, B. 2014. The rare flat-headed cat and other felids in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia. CAT News, 61, 37–41.

Gregory, S. D.; Ancrenaz, M.; Brook, B. W.; Goossens, B.; Alfred, R.; Ambu, L. N.; Fordham, D. A. 2014. Forecasts of habitat suitability improve habitat corridor efficacy in rapidly changing environments. Divers. Distrib., 20, 1044–1057.

Greminger, M. P.; Stölting, K. N.; Nater, A.; Goossens, B.; Arora, N.; Bruggmann, R.; Patrignani, A.; Nussberger, B.; Sharma, R.; Kraus, R. H. S.; Ambu, L. N.; Singleton, I.; Chikhi, L.; van Schaik, C. P.; Krützen, M. 2014. Generation of SNP datasets for orangutan population genomics using improved reduced-representation sequencing and direct comparisons of SNP calling algorithms. BMC Genomics, 15, 16.

Miller, J. A.; Schilthuizen, M.; Burmester, J. L.; van der Graaf, L.; Merckx, V.; Jocqué, M.; Kessler, P. J. A.; Fayle, T. M.; Breeschoten, T.; Broeren, R.; Bouman, R.; Chua, W.-J.; Feijen, F.; Fermont, T.; Groen, K.; Groen, M.; Kil, N. J. C.; de Laat, H. A.; Moerland, M. S.; Moncoquet, C.; Panjang, E.; Philip, A. J.; Roca-Eriksen, R.; Rooduijn, B.; van Santen, M.; Swakman, V.; Evans, M. N.; Evans, L. J.; Love, K.; Joscelyne, S. H.; Tober, A. V.; Wilson, H. F.; Ambu, L. N.; Goossens, B. 2014. Dispatch from the field: ecology of ground-web-building spiders with description of a new species (Araneae, Symphytognathidae). Biodivers. Data J., 2, e1076.

Röper, K. M.; Scheumann, M.; Wiechert, A. B.; Nathan, S.; Goossens, B.; Owren, M. J.; Zimmermann, E. 2014. Vocal acoustics in the endangered proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). Am. J. Primatol., 76, 192–201.

Symondson, W. O. C.; Holloway, J. D.; Goossens, B.; Müller, C. T. 2014. Bornean caterpillar (Lepidoptera) constructs cocoon from Vatica rassak (Dipterocarpaceae) resin containing multiple deterrent compounds. J. Nat. Hist., 49, 553–560.


Alfred, R.; Ahmad, A. H.; Payne, J.; Williams, C.; Ambu, L. N.; How, P. M.; Goossens, B. 2012. Home range and ranging behaviour of Bornean elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) females. PLoS One, 7: 31400.

Estes, J. G.; Othman, N.; Ismail, S.; Ancrenaz, M.; Goossens, B.; Ambu, L. N.; Estes, A. B.; Palmiotto, P. A. 2012. Quantity and Configuration of Available Elephant Habitat and Related Conservation Concerns in the Lower Kinabatangan Floodplain of Sabah, Malaysia. PLoS One, 7: e44601. 

Gillespie, G. R.; Ahmad, E.; Elahan, B.; Evans, A.; Ancrenaz, M.; Goossens, B.; Scroggie, M. P. 2012. Conservation of amphibians in Borneo: Relative value of secondary tropical forest and non-forest habitats. Biol. Conserv., 152, 136–144.

Goossens, B.; Ambu, L. N. 2012. Sabah Wildlife Department and 10 years of research: Towards a better conservation of Sabah’s wildlife. J. Oil Palm Environ., 3, 38–51.

Gregory, S. D.; Brook, B. W.; Goossens, B.; Ancrenaz, M.; Alfred, R.; Ambu, L. N.; Fordham, D. A. 2012. Long-Term Field Data and Climate-Habitat Models Show That Orangutan Persistence Depends on Effective Forest Management and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation. PLoS One, 7, e43846.

Gwilliams, C.; Preece, A.; Hardisty, A.; Goossens, B.; Ambu, L. N. 2012. Local and Global Knowledge to Improve the Quality of Sensed Data. Int. J. Digit. Inf. Wirel. Commun., 2, 164–180.

Nietlisbach, P.; Arora, N.; Nater, A.; Goossens, B.; Van Schaik, C. P.; Krützen, M. 2012. Heavily male-biased long-distance dispersal of orang-utans (genus: Pongo), as revealed by Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial genetic markers. Mol. Ecol., 21, 3173–86.

Sharma, R.; Arora, N.; Goossens, B.; Nater, A.; Morf, N.; Salmona, J.; Bruford, M. W.; Van Schaik, C. P.; Krützen, M.; Chikhi, L. 2012. Effective population size dynamics and the demographic collapse of bornean orang-utans. PLoS One, 7, e49429.

Sharma, R.; Goossens, B.; Kun-Rodrigues, C.; Teixeira, T.; Othman, N.; Boone, J. Q.; Jue, N. K.; Obergfell, C.; O’Neill, R. J.; Chikhi, L. 2012. Two Different High Throughput Sequencing Approaches Identify Thousands of De Novo Genomic Markers for the Genetically Depleted Bornean Elephant. PLoS One, 7, e49533.

Stark, D. J.; Nijman, V.; Lhota, S.; Robins, J. G.; Goossens, B. 2012. Modelling population viability of local proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus populations: conservation implications. Endanger. Species Res., 16, 31–43.

Wich, S. A.; Gaveau, D.; Abram, N.; Ancrenaz, M.; Baccini, A.; Brend, S.; Curran, L.; Delgado, R. A.; Erman, A.; Fredriksson, G. M.; Goossens, B.; Husson, S. J.; Lackman, I.; Marshall, A. J.; Naomi, A.; Molidena, E.; Nardiyono; Nurcahyo, A.; Odom, K.; Panda, A.; Purnomo; Rafiastanto, A.; Ratnasari, D.; Santana, A. H.; Sapari, I.; van Schaik, C. P.; Sihite, J.; Spehar, S.; Santoso, E.; Suyoko, A.; Tiju, A.; Usher, G.; Atmoko, S. S. U.; Willems, E. P.; Meijaard, E. 2012. Understanding the Impacts of Land-Use Policies on a Threatened Species: Is There a Future for the Bornean Orang-utan? PLoS One, 7, e49142.